10 Workshops to Choose From

Criterion-Referenced Instruction
The complete flagship workshop developed by Dr. Mager. The skills taught in this self-paced workshop continue to be the foundation for analysis, design, and developing courses, curricula and workplace performance systems.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 5-7 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Evaluate workplace performance and determine when training is/is not a solution.
- Determine the cause(s) of, and solutions for, inadequate performance.
- Identify and correct components of existing courses that need improvement.
- Create course evaluations to measure the effectiveness of training.
- Create clear communication in the workplace.
- Evaluate target populations.
- Conduct front-end analysis to specify needs.
- Predict how behaviors influence human performance.
- Draft thorough and effective course procedures.
- Identify and address obstacles to courses that you are developing.
- Evaluate existing course materials for continued use.
- Derive performance objectives from required job skills.
- Develop performance objectives that provide the basis for training.
- Determine the order that skills must be learned.
- Develop skill checks to establish accomplishment of objectives.
- Draft procedural guides that summarize required performance.
- Communicate how CRI benefits an organization.

Instructional Module Development
In this self-paced workshop, instructional designers learn the powerful Mager Methodology for developing performance-based training lessons/modules that result in measureable skills required in the workplace.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 3-5days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Draft instructional modules that work.
- Conduct module tryouts.
- Select effective media.
- Develop and describe effective relevant practice.
- Select the right content for the training module, and no more than that.
- Prepare directions for the instructor/facilitator.
- Describe an effective learning environment.
- Revise drafts of instructional modules.

Training Director Workshop
In addition to learning the analysis skills taught in the CRI Workshop, this self-paced workshop authored by Dr. Mager provides practical and immediately useful tools for supervising and supporting the training function of any size.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 4-5 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Determine if training is the answer to a performance need.
- Recommend thorough and cost effective solutions to performance problems.
- Evaluate performance objectives.
- Evaluate off-the-shelf training packages.
- Evaluate the quality and cost effectiveness of proposals from outside vendors.
- Determine if the best delivery system is being used.
- Clarify all communications.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of training.
- Evaluate instructor performance and instructional materials.
- Perform task analysis.

Mastering Instructor-Led Training
Authored by Mrs. Eileen Mager, this instructor-led workshop provides presentation skills and the CRI-based design model for creating a performance-based classroom that replaces knowledge tests with skill checks to demonstrate new skills.
Presentation/Duration: Instructor-led, 3-4 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Develop performance-based instructor-led training.
- Establish performance objectives to guide all content and instruction.
- Analyze your audience in order to tailor training for them.
- Present instructional materials smoothly and effectively.
- Revise, or “debug” any classroom presentation.
- Develop, select, and effectively use classroom media.
- Lead lively discussions.
- Use effective questioning in classroom presentations.
- Effectively conduct role plays, simulations, and games.
- Diagnose distractions from gestures, voice, and eye contact.
- Deal with potentially disruptive classroom participants.
- Deal with real-world disasters from technology, equipment, and materials.

Building Better Job Aids
There are processes to determine when a job aid is needed, the proper blend of job aid/training required, the type of job aid needed, the format and material to choose. Job aids may be the most important performance improvement tools at your disposal.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 2.5 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Quickly develop effective job aids for virtually any type of task–from “soft skills” in leadership and management to technical skills.
- Determine when job aids can shorten or even eliminate training.
- Describe the steps in a task including the decision-making process.
- Select the best format for job aids based on the types of behavior in a task.
- Define the environment in which the job aids will be used and the audience who will use them.
- Convert existing documentation into user-friendly job aids.
- Decide what materials job aids need to be made out of to maximize their effectiveness.
- Determine how much training is needed to support job aids.

CRI Foundations
This workshop contains the analysis and design tools from Dr. Mager’s CRI Workshop. They serve as the foundation for addressing every aspect of human performance in the workplace as well as being the prerequisites for many other workshops.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 3-4 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Analyzing Human Performance.
- Creating Clear Communication in the Workplace.
- Performing Task Analysis.
- Analyzing Target Populations.
- Identifying Job Skills.
- Deriving Performance Objectives.
- Drafting Skill Checks.
- Applying CRI to the Workplace.

Performance-Based eLearning
Learn how to include the clear objectives, practice with feedback, and skill checks with feedback that are essential to the learner being able to perform the skills on the job. Performance-based instructional design training is a pre-requisite for this workshop.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 2 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Evaluating e-learning effectiveness.
- Selecting the most appropriate e-learning delivery system .
- Using an e-learning delivery system that he/she will use most often.
- Troubleshooting that e-learning delivery system .
- Explaining the delivery system and troubleshooting procedures to participants.
- Identifying job aids and how to access them after training.
- Organizing the content and graphics for e-learning lessons.
- Adapting or creating lesson materials to perform skill checks and practice with
- feedback through e-learning .
- Encouraging participant progress and completion.
- Explaining communication with the facilitator and with other participants.

Build Training Fast
In the real world if you don’t always have time to develop training like you want, or you aren’t an instructional designer, but still have to develop training, this CRI-based workshop trains you to develop effective performance-based training utilizing job aids.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 4 days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Write a description of the work force members expected to be trained.
- Conduct a performance analysis to identify a set of solutions to solve a performance discrepancy.
- Identify the observable, measureable behaviors needed to complete a worthwhile job goal to define an unclear expectations for the performers.
- Identify the tasks that make up an individual or team job .
- Prioritize the job task list by importance, difficulty and frequency of performance .
- Select critical tasks for training and/or job aids.
- Analyze the tasks to identify all the major steps and decisions involved in completing the tasks.
- Draft and try out four different types of job aids.
- Draft and try out a structured on-the-job training (OJT) lesson.

What Every Mangager Should Know About Training
This workshop is designed for YOU to present to YOUR company to create a common performance language and to orient non-training managers to the performance tools at their disposal. It includes the materials for the instructor and the participants.
Presentation/Duration: Instructor-led, 1 day
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Determine if training is needed for a performance problem.
- Clarify communication that deals with people performing.
- Use the Performance Analysis Worksheet to thoroughly analyze human performance problems and to determine the best solution(s).
- Determine if consequences are “right-side-up”.
- Identify barriers to performance in the workplace.
- Use an array of performance tools in the workplace in addition to training.

Attract & Retain High Quality People
Using the tools from CRI Foundations, participants learn to develop clear, objective tools to attract, screen, hire, train, evaluate, and retain people considered to be high value to the organization. This workshop can be accomplished in segments.
Presentation/Duration: Self-paced, 3-4 Days
What you will learn to do in this workshop...
- Develop job descriptions that clearly list all pre-requisite skills for the job and avoid vague, subjective job requirements.
- Conduct job interviews that allow the candidates to demonstrate that they have the skills for the job instead of just “interviewing well”.
- Conduct job orientation s that will remove performance obstacles on day one of the job..
- Conduct objective performance evaluations.
- Create career maps that allow motivated people to plan and progress.
Find Which Workshops Best Fit Your Role.